Before and After School Supervision (BASS) Program
Before School Supervision
CCS provides before school supervision only for families who absolutely need it, starting at 7:30 AM. The cost is $7.00 per morning/per student. You must pre-register and speak with the Headmaster. Please do not leave your child at the locked gate before 7:30 AM. They are not supervised.
After School Supervision
Our regular BASS program runs from 3:00 PM (dismissal) to 5:00 PM on all regular school days and runs from 12:00-2:00 PM on minimum days. The cost is $7.00 per hour/per student starting at 3:30 PM.
Emergency After School Supervision
We realize that emergencies or other unavoidable situations arise which may cause a driver to be late for pick-up. All children (TK-12) who have not been picked up by 3:15 PM will be placed in BASS for emergency supervision. This service is available until 3:29 at no additional charge. At 3:30 the BASS fee of $7.00 per student per hour will be charged. For example, if a parent arrives at 3:45, the charge will be $7.00.
After 5:00 PM
Parents who are late in picking their children up from BASS will be charged an additional $1.00 per minute for every minute past 5:00 PM.
The supervisor will sign in all children and will release each child to their parent or authorized pickup person when they arrive. The school office will bill families for their use of the Before and After School Supervision program through FACTS in the first week of each month. For example, for child care provided during the month of September, your FACTS account will be billed in October.
Those Providing Supervision
Each year a schedule of care providers and phone numbers is available from the office upon request.
Location (Drop-Off and Pick-Up)
BASS meets at the lunch area and/or the portable classrooms.
Drop Off: Through the parking lot gate
Pick Up: Enter from Andrea Blvd. Park behind school right along the fence. Enter through fire gate. Knock on the 4th grade portable door to sign children out. PLEASE MAKE A U-TURN AND EXIT BACK ONTO ANDREA. DO NOT DRIVE BEHIND OUR NEIGHBORING CHURCHES’ BUILDINGS.
Families are responsible to provide snacks for their children. There is NO SHARING FOOD due to allergies and virus transmission.
The After School Program
Students will stay with their teacher until 3:15 PM if they are in the BASS program. Staff children will be dismissed to their parents and not be in BASS after school. The program will begin at 3:15. Students will remain at the tables from 3:15-3:30, eating their snacks and talking or using the restroom. Students will not be allowed to play. They may start homework. Supervisors will check-in students while they are eating and working. From 3:30-3:45 they will be given a play break. Homework or quiet reading is required from 3:45-4:30. During this time, NO PHONES are allowed (except WITH PERMISSION to call rides, parents, etc.). The care providers will provide homework supervision (e.g. make sure the child is on task and answer general questions). The supervisor will not be providing detailed homework help as a part of the BASS program. At 4:30 students still in BASS may play if they have finished all of their homework.
To receive a Before and After School Contract, please contact the office