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Grades 7-8

    Curriculum Overview, 7-8

    We choose textbooks from a variety of publishers.  This allows us to have the best materials for each subject rather than being tied to any one publisher.  To see a summary of what is taught in 7th Grade, click here. For 8th grade, click here.

    Junior High Reading List

    Students attending Cornerstone Christian Junior High School must read 17 of the books on the required Junior High reading list (or approved substitutes) as part of graduation requirements.

    During the normal school year many of the books on the required reading list are read in class.  These count toward the requirement.

    The required number of books will be adjusted when a student is not in junior high for the full two years.  To see the list, click here.

    Junior High Graduation Requirements

    Eighth grade students must meet the following requirements in order to graduate from 8th grade:

    • Students must read the designated number of books that are on the Junior High Reading List;
    • Students must complete a certain number of hours in community service projects; and
    • Students must satisfactorily complete the course of study for the eighth grade.

    Junior/Senior High Dress Code

    “At-A-Glance” Dress Code for Jr./Sr. High.

    Field Trips

    Students in junior high typically have one day-long field trip per year, usually to San Francisco.  Other field trips may be planned if the homeroom teacher so desires.