Application Process

Here is a step-by-step summary of our enrollment process:

  1. Submit the Request for Information Form;
  2. Read through all of the documents in our Mission Packet;  
  3. Visit the Classroom and meet with the Admissions Director;
  4. Provide copies of your child’s current report card/transcripts and immunization records;
  5. Complete the at-home portion of the Assessment.   If child assesses within the parameters,
  6. Complete the on-campus portion of the Assessment. If child assesses within the parameters,
  7. Complete the Online Application Packet;
  8.  Attend the Family Interview and wait for decision. If accepted,
  9. Complete the Online Enrollment Packet.

If you are in agreement with the information you read on our website, beginning with the Mission Packet, and want to move forward, please e-mail Sharon Lowery at to take the next step.

Although our enrollment process has several steps, most families have found the “Getting Acquainted” process to be enjoyable, encouraging, and enlightening.  We are happy to answer any questions you may have and to serve you during the inquiry and enrollment process.  May the Lord bless you as you consider the future of your child’s education.  It is comforting to know our precious Lord is sovereign and He leads His sheep in, “…paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.