Kindergarten Developmental Assessment

For more information, contact our Admissions Director, Sharon Lowery at 916-334-6236, at The Developmental Assessment plays an important part in determining a student’s readiness for the academic setting of our Kindergarten program.  We trust this information will help you as you complete the requirements for admission to Cornerstone Christian School.



All prospective Kindergarten students must complete a Developmental Assessment which is administered by a CCS teacher using testing material from Academic Consulting and Testing Services.



The Developmental Readiness Scale is designed to measure the child’s predictable levels of development.  The screening tells us what the child already knows and what he or she is ready to attempt next.  The assessment measures child development in eight areas related to school performance:  fine motor, visual motor, numbers, concepts, body image, language, personal-social, and gross motor. The entire assessment process, allowing time for introductions, testing, and post-test discussion with parents, takes approximately forty-five minutes to one hour per child.



Your child may take his Developmental Assessment prior to your application forms being completed; however, the assessment must precede the Family Interview.



Please meet with the teacher performing the assessment in the school office.  The teacher will proceed with the student to a classroom for testing.



This testing helps us determine your child’s readiness for our program.  It also provides us with individualized information of each student’s development in order to make best use of the instructional time available to us.



You may schedule your Developmental Assessment by contacting our Admissions Director, Sharon Lowery at 916-334-6236 or at



The assessment fee of $50 per student is payable on or before the day of your appointment.  Please make your check payable to Cornerstone Christian School (or CCS).