
Assessments play an important part in determining a student’s academic compatibility with our school and with a specific grade level.  We trust this information will help you as you complete the requirements for admission to Cornerstone Christian School.



All prospective students in 4th – 12th grades must begin a two-part assessment process. The first portion is an at-home computer diagnostic that provides a view of the student’s overall understanding on math and language arts. If the student assesses within the parameters of the CCS program, the second portion of the assessment can be completed. This portion is on-campus with a CCS teacher who is familiar with the academic progress of the grade level for which your child is applying and assesses the student on aspects of the computer diagnostic that may not have had the clearest results.

All prospective students in 1st – 3rd grades must only complete the on-campus portion of the assessment process.



Where applicable, the assessments will include grade appropriate evaluations in the following areas:  Reading (including comprehension, oral reading fluency, expression, and word attack skills), Spelling, Composition, Grammar, and Mathematics (including math facts for speed and accuracy, and conceptual comprehension).

The at-home computer diagnostic takes approximately 2 hours (with breaks) and the on-campus assessment takes approximately 1 hour.



The assessment can be scheduled after the Classroom Visit.



The parent brings their child to the Front Office to meet the assessing teacher. The teacher will proceed with the student to a classroom for the Assessment.



Assessment fee for 1st – 3rd grades: $50 per student

Assessment fee for 4th – 12th grades: $75 per student

The fee is payable on or before the day of your assessment.  If it is necessary to re-test in a particular subject prior to classes beginning, an additional fee will be charged.  Please make your check payable to Cornerstone Christian School (or CCS).