General Information

Standardized Testing

Cornerstone Christian School participates in biannual, national standardized testing in grades 2 through 12. We use the Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS).

We acknowledge that these tests are only ONE measure of our students’ academic achievement, but they are a valuable tool in assisting us in evaluating and improving our curriculum and educational program. They also provide a means of comparing our students’ performance with that of students in other schools nationally, in California, and in other ACSI Christian schools..

The Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS) is both norm-referenced (comparing our students nationally and to other Christian schools) and criterion referenced (showing whether our students are mastering the National Standards), and includes an ability test. Additionally, tests are scored and returned within a few weeks and data is available on-line, giving faculty easy and timely access to data.

Our teaching methods and choice of curriculum enable us to lay a strong foundation for academic success in higher education. Test results show a strong growth trend upward, a result of our solid program over time.

View the following sample of growth from year-to-year in the following chats showing average percentiles for grades 2 through 12 in Reading, Language, and Math on the 2022 tests. The bar graphs show the NP (National Percentile) of the Mean NCE (Normal Curve Equivalent) for CCS. The charts show the Mean SS (Scale Score) and the NP of the Mean NCE.

Data obtained from McGraw HIll CTB and ACSI Data Online

See the charts and graphs by clicking the links below:

School Library

Elementary students use the library primarily as a source of good books to read. Students visit the library every other week to select a book for free reading or for participation in the Book-It reading program. We offer books at many reading levels, and encourage students to select a book appropriate to their reading ability. Junior high and Senior high students are required to read a number of books as part of their graduation requirements. The library provides a copy of many of the books on their reading lists for them to borrow.

The library supports teachers by buying books that relate to themes taught throughout the school year. Teachers can borrow theme-related books for use in the classroom. The library also houses a collection of videotapes for classroom use.