
    The families of Cornerstone Christian School form a community that interacts in many ways. We strive to do all things as unto the Lord and in brotherly love. Our families enjoy Christian fellowship and support through various opportunities: music and sport programs, annual barbeque, community service projects, clubs, and fundraising efforts. These opportunities encourage camaraderie as we work toward common goals.

    CCS Chapel

    The school holds a chapel service for all our students and staff each Monday morning from 8:30 to 9:15. CCS families are welcome to attend at any time. Our praise band, consisting of volunteer high school students, leads the student body in two or three worship songs before the morning message. Typically a Cornerstone Christian School staff member or local pastor will challenge the school with a biblical lesson.

    Parents are welcome to attend Chapel on Mondays.  Please be sure to check in with the Front Office for a name tag or badge before heading to the auditorium.

    Hymn of Month

    Aug./Sept.       “How Firm a Foundation”

    October           “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God”

    November       “Fairest Lord Jesus”

    December        “O the Deep Deep Love of Jesus”

    January            “It Is Well with My Soul”

    February          “Crown Him with Many Crowns”

    March              “Come Thou Almighty King”

    April                “Christ the Lord Is Risen Today”

    May        “To God Be the Glory”